LBO – Lithium triborate
>20 J/cm² @ 355 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz | 160 nm – 2600 nm
Due to the high damage threshold, wide transparency range LBO – Lithium triborate crystals are mostly used for second harmonic generation (SHG) a.k.a. frequency doubling and third harmonic generation (THG). Crystals can be heated up for protection or performance stabilization and then they can be used in high power applications.
3photon leading advantage allow to remove all surface damages and coatings absorbtion to get almost as high damage threshold as for bulk crystal of >20 J/cm² @ 355 nm (for single-band) AR coated LBO crystals or >15 J/cm² @ 266 nm, which allows great performance at very high intensities with high conversion effectivity.
- Advantages and Features
- Typical applications
- Applications in lasers
- Transparency range from 160 nm to 2600 nm;
- Low absorption @ 340-1064 nm
- No Gray-tracking problem, best for high power second harmonic generations (SHG)
- Broadband or multi-wavelength anti-reflective (AR) or Protective (P) coatings for OPA/OPO applications;
- High Laser-Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) for a third harmonic generation (THG) >20 J/cm² @ 355 nm, 10 ns; 10 Hz
- High Laser-Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) for a four harmonic generation (FHG) >15 J/cm² @ 266 nm, 10 ns; 10 Hz (1064 nm with 355 nm mixing is require)
- Non-Critical Phase-Matching (NCPM) conditions for SHG @ 1064 nm (150 deg.C), with no walk-off displacement (ovens available upon request).
- Technical consultation or performance simulations for particular application available upon request.
LBO crystals are widely used in various laser systems, diode-pumped, medium and high-power lasers:
- Industrial Lasers for material processing, cutting, engraving with 532 nm or 355 nm;
- Research and development (R&D) lasers used by Universities, research centers;
- Medical lasers, especially in ophthalmology applications and hair or tattoo removal;
- Military and defense lasers.
Lasers with Neodymium-doped medium (Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAP, Nd:KGW)
- Frequency doubling, tripling or quadrupling (2nd, 3rd or 4th harmonics generation)
- High power and/or widely tuned optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) and oscillators (OPO) of both Type I and Type I phase-matching pumped by Second (SH) or Third (THG) harmonics.
CW lasers
- Efficient and broad non-critical phase-matching (NCPM) frequency conversion of CW and quasi-CW
Ti:Sapphire (Ti3+:Al2O3), Alexandrite (Cr3+:BeAl2O4), Cr:LiSAF (Cr3+:LiSrAlF6), Cr:LiSAF (Cr3+:LiCaAlF6), and Dye lasers
- Frequency doubling (2nd harmonic generation)
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