Gold mirrors
>1 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz | 700 nm - 20000 nm

Bare gold coatings and protected gold coatings stands out with high performance in infrared (IR) and near infrared (NIR) light applications. 3photon can additionally apply protective layer to manufacture higher durability gold mirrors. The reflection of 96% @ 750-1500 nm is maintained but the mirror becomes more resistant to environmental conditions.
3photon applies gold coatings in-house on various substrates: flat, concave, convex, parabolic or other custom shapes.

- Features
- Applications
- Handling and cleaning
- 3photon protected gold mirrors are very resistant to environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, etc.
- Effective optical area of substrates up to 250 x 250 mm.
- High LIDT: >1 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz.
- Low energy applications should be the application area in the terms of Laser induced damage threshold (LIDT). Medium or high energy applications should be avoided.
- Gold coated mirrors are used in CO2 lasers, because of good reflection values in infrared (IR) region.
- For long-term use of metallic mirrors, we recommend deoxidizer to prevent oxidation of the thin film coating;
- DO NOT USE cloth or paper. 3photon recommendation is to use dry air instead.
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